

B.E.A.T. With Beads

by Emilie Tolley




I got involved in the critical need to raise money and awareness for Ovarian Cancer in 2021 when my partner's sister, Lexi, was diagnosed with Low-Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer at twenty-seven years old. Like so many others, Lexi lost precious time between seeking help for her symptoms and a correct diagnosis. Unfortunately, this is only too common since L.G.S.O.C. is incredibly difficult to screen for. That’s where the concept B.E.A.T. With Beads arose. B.E.A.T. is a commonly used acronym within the Ovarian Cancer space that stands for four signs of ovarian cancer: Bloating, Eating difficulty, Abdominal pain, and Toilet changes. B.E.A.T. With Beads is a fundraiser dedicated to selling various beaded products that all genders and ages can enjoy, including beaded bracelets and hair accessories. We hope to raise money to search for a cure and raise awareness so that women can get the time-critical diagnosis needed to give them the best chance at survival.

STAAR exists to fund life-saving research for women with low-grade serous, a rare and severely underfunded ovarian cancer subtype.  Low-grade serous represents fewer than 8% of cases of ovarian cancer and disproportionately affects younger women.  Further, being a rare cancer means that private donations are critical to fund research.  More research means more time for adventures, more holidays, and more memory making!

Thank you for your support and interest in being part of our fundraising efforts.  Join our mailing list and follow us on Facebook and Instagram to keep up with the latest in research and on the studies we fund from the fundraising YOU supported.

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