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Marjean Dock


Join our Virtual Team

Throughout the month of September Step Up America events will take place all across the United States. Even though we are excited about all of these in-person events, we know that there may not be an event happening in your local community. Not to worry! Join us as a virtual team member and host your own event.

As a virtual team member you can help STAAR to educate people about ovarian cancer and help to spread awareness about this disease that is so near and dear to our hearts. How so? At any time throughout the month of September host your own event, nothing is too small!


You! You will join the Step Up America team as a virtual team member and host an event individually or with a group of your choosing. 


No idea is too small (or too big!) for a virtual event. For example, you could participate in a swim, a bike, a run, a walk, etc. (you can do this alone or with friends). You could grab a group of friends to go bowling or play a game of tennis. You could host a dinner or a cocktail hour, throw a corn hole tournament, or a BBQ cook-off. The point is not to plan and participate in a specific type of event, rather, to gather friends and family and share the signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer and remember fondly those courageously living with this disease and those whom we have lost.


Anytime in September (Ovarian Cancer Awareness month)

Other important information:


As a virtual team member you will receive a Step Up America t-shirt. The shirts have the symptoms of ovarian cancer listed on the back. Anytime you wear the shirt you become a HUMAN BILLBOARD and help educate others who will see and your shirt. Please wear your shirt often to share the symptoms and educate those around you.


To document your virtual event please take a picture of yourself in your shirt participating in your event. We would love it if you would share this picture on social media and tag @staaroc and use the hashtag #coloritteal. Using this unique hashtag we will be able to see all of the Step Up America events throughout the month of September.


Fundraising is optional but if you would like to contribute to STAAR that would be wonderful. Friends and family can donate to your campaign by donating here on our Virtual Team page. We have set a goal of $5,000 and would love your help in reaching this goal. Every dollar helps! 


Please contact our team captain, Marcy Hyde, at [email protected] with any questions.

Virtual After Party

We will have an after-party via ZOOM on September 25th. We will email you with details and the link to join. We will celebrate all the fun events our virtual team accomplished during the month while we spread awareness and educate others about ovarian cancer.

How would you like to support?

